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Unit 7 Question

Unit 7 Question

Q MPH 6001 (revised for Fall 2017) Study and Discussion Questions – Unit 7 1. How is aging similar to extended space flight? 2. Let’s assume a marathon runner maintained exactly the same training regimen through middle---age and after menopause. Describe the trajectory over 10 years in her marathon times and her body weight and why this might be so. 3. How do aging---related sensory changes contribute to the allostatic load? 4. Describe the best type of exercise for attenuating bone loss in older people and the mechanisms relating to these adaptations.5. Please read: Knickman, J.R, Snell E.K. The 2030 Problem: Caring for aging baby boomers. Health Serv Res. 2002 August; 37(4): 849–884 (found in the reading section on page 7.1.1). This review states four recommendations for better dealing with an aging population – a) improving long term care models; b) keeping older adults healthy and active as long as possible; c) making community services more accessible; and d) altering our cultural view of aging. What are some specific examples for each of these recommendations that could improve public health?

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Ans: The symptoms appear during space flight are due to facing microgravity. These are quite similar with the features of aging, like lowering of vestibulo- neuromuscular and mechano-skeletal stimuli accelerates bones and muscle atrophy, triggering the process of aging. Gradual loss of functioning of cardiovascular system ,10 times faster than natural aging process.